Michael Di Dia

Front End Developer & Full Stack Engineer


Highly collaborative and results-oriented developer with a strong track record of adapting to new frameworks and technologies. Committed to flexibility, innovation, and a team-oriented approach to delivering dynamic web solutions through the use of high-quality, reusable code. Thrives on the challenge of creating a more inclusive web experience for all users and consistently anticipates future trends with a mobile-first strategy in frontend development. By implementing a forward-thinking design approach, I have successfully contributed to an increased user satisfaction and engagement rate of 10%, ensuring seamless access to career websites across all platforms. Let's connect and drive positive change together!

Work Experience

Web Developer | Front End Software Engineer

2022 - Present


  • Spearheading the development of custom frontend recruitment websites within the company's CRM system, tailoring each page to meet the specific needs and requests of individual clients.
  • Contributing significantly to increased production and client satisfaction levels for the entire US market, through the delivery of high-quality, custom web solutions. Overall client satisfaction rating has risen to above 95% across all US markets.
  • Leveraging the cross-functionality of both our CRM and ATS systems to streamline workflow processes and enhance overall efficiency in project deliverables.
  • Implementing a mobile-first design approach to ensure seamless access and full functionality of the career website from both desktop machines and mobile devices. This approach has led to increased user engagement and satisfaction across various devices, contributing to a more inclusive and accessible job search process.

Technologies used:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Mobile-First
  • Responsive Design
  • Accessibility Standards
  • Prototyping
  • Wireframes
  • UX Development
  • UI Design

Web Developer | Front End Software Engineer

2022 - Present


  • Innovating within the team by creating and implementing new systems, strategies, and best practices, leading to an optimized workflow and improved project outcomes.
  • Proficiently utilizing a diverse skill set in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Bootstrap to craft visually appealing and highly functional web interfaces.
  • Demonstrating a deep understanding and adherence to industry standards, including WCAG and W3C accessibility guidelines, to ensure inclusive and accessible web experiences for all users.
  • Contributing significantly to increased production and client satisfaction levels for the entire US market, through the delivery of high-quality, custom web solutions. Client satisfaction rating improved to a high of 97% across all US markets.

Technologies used:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Mobile-First
  • Responsive Design
  • Accessibility Standards
  • Prototyping
  • Wireframes
  • UX Development
  • UI Design

Full Stack Developer | Software Engineer

Gravity LendingFinTech (Contract)
2021 - 2022


  • Developed integrations using jQuery, DOM manipulation, JavaScript, to consume JSON and RESTful API calls. Implemented corresponding responsive and visually appealing front end layouts for presenting all data. Accomplished these tasks within a dynamic start-up environment, collaborating closely with marketing and stakeholders to transform custom wireframes into functional web interfaces.
  • Enhanced the UI and UX of existing React applications by implementing improvements using HTML, PHP, CSS, and leveraging the capabilities of jQuery and Bootstrap libraries.
  • Worked closely with the Back End team to integrate SQL, JSON, and API data using the custom components and libraries. Increased application component functionality by 35% on average across internal team operations.
  • Collaborated with marketing and design departments to suggest appropriate functionality for real world edge cases and potential problems when a particular application or microservice is deployed, ensuring maximum usability for the end user.

Technologies used:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • PHP
  • JSON
  • Node.js
  • SQL
  • Wireframes
  • UX Development
  • UI Design

Front End Developer | Software Engineer

Something Kitschy
2018 - 2021


  • Oversee front end web applications relating to client access, content, and eCommerce solutions while incorporating modern SEO techniques.
  • Developed award-winning template pages and UI through the use of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Bootstrap libraries. This included additional custom background styling, flex containers, positioning, text, border, margin, padding and table elements.
  • Increased positive online presence and reputation 150% YOY, and generated increased sales and company performance each quarter through engaging advertising and social campaigns.

Technologies used:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • eCommerce
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Wireframes
  • UX Development
  • UI Design

Skills & Tools

Web Development:

  • HTML
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • React
  • Redux
  • DOM Manipulation
  • AJAX
  • Bootstrap
  • Material UI
  • Tailwind
  • CSS Flexbox
  • CSS Grid Layout
  • Sass (SCSS)
  • Responsive Web Design
  • API Integration
  • CRUD Operations
  • Google Apps Script
  • Electron

Design and UI / UX:

  • UI Design
  • UX Development
  • WCAG and W3C Accesibility
  • Prototyping
  • Wireframing
  • Figma
  • Adobe XD
  • Lucidchart
  • Draw.io
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Lightroom

Management and Collaboration:

  • CRM Software
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Node.js
  • NPM
  • SQL
  • MongoDB
  • Flask
  • Rest API
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Postman
  • Jira
  • Salesforce
  • Slack
  • Zendesk

Application Software:

  • Visual Studio Code
  • WebStorm
  • PjpStorm
  • VMWare
  • Postman
  • Jira
  • Slack
  • Mac
  • PC


  • Bachelor of Arts Program
    Web Design & New Media
    Academy of Art University
  • Full Stack Certification - Web Development
    Upskill & Continuing Education


  • CEO Award & 3x Nominee
    PageUp CEO Award - PageUp Global
  • Best Of - The Knot.com 2020, 2021
    The Knot Worldwide


  • All Things Tech
  • Gadgets
  • Hockey
  • Music Production
  • International Travel
  • Road Trips
  • All of the Animals